Pest Control in East Hertfordshire

  • Available all week long
  • Emergency call-outs
  • Highly effective methods
  • Flexible booking options

Your East Hertfordshire pest technician will S.T.O.P. the pest problems today!

The local pest control technician will inspect for all the signs of infestation, such as entry points, activity traces, damages, etc. The pest control expert will determine the scope of the problem and provide you with the best possible solution against the vermin.
The local exterminator will use only high-quality solutions against your pests. Follow their instructions to maximise the effect of the treatment.
To ensure the infestation has been completely eliminated you will need to follow the instructions of the pest expert. For best results, we recommend our 3-months guaranteed service, which comes with two extra visits, free of charge.
Protect your property against future pest recurrence by following the proofing tips and suggestions provided by your service provider. The service provider will also give you some post-service safety advice.

Our services in East Hertfordshire include...

  • Rodent Control

    If your property is affected by mice or rats, then it is very important to find out exactly how the rodents are entering. There might be small cavities in the walls and the whiskered interlopers are probably abusing them. The technician will make sure to find and block them with expanding foam and wool wire. And if there are any rodents indoors, the pest exterminator will set traps and baits to capture them.

  • Services for your business

    Of course, all our treatments are suitable for any place of business. So in case you experiencing pest-related troubles at your commercial space, then contact us immediately and we will be able to assist you. For example, you can make a booking for your off hours and that's when the pest controller will come. And also, he can arrive in a discrete manner if you request it in advance.

  • Crawling Bugs

    The type of treatment strongly depends on the species that is at hand. For example, if you are dealing with cockroaches, then a special bait gel will be used near the most affected areas. The roaches will eat the product and scatter, doing their best to run away. Later on, they will perish and the living roaches will feast on them. This will start a domino effect that will eliminate the infestation in a wide range.

  • Bed Bug Treatment

    These blood-hungry crawling horrors are particularly annoying. That is why we excel at exterminating them. Basically, we use two main methods: chemical and thermal. If you opt for the chemical treatment, then keep in mind that it is done in two major visits. This is necessary because some of the adult bugs will develop a resistant state against the insecticide used. That is why a secondary treatment with a different product is necessary, about a week later after the first. On the other hand, the heat treatment eliminates all the bugs and their eggs so only a single session is necessary.



Fantastic Pest Control Brand Image

East Hertfordshire Council

We remove wasp nests after treatment.

They don't normally remove wasp nests after treatment.

We treat them all!

They don't treat for foxes and pigeons

Fantastic Pest Control outside East Hertfordshire

Our branding is growing and we are able to bring reliable services to more and more places in the UK. So even if your property is technically not in East Hertfordshire, make sure to contact us anyway because we can send technicians to:

Royal society for public health
Prompt Verified
Ofqual Regulated
Qualifications wales organization
Council for the curriculum examinations and assessment

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